You’re Ready to be a MAGNET to all that You desire!
Perfect, You’re in the Right Place!
In the world of manifestation, it's not about what happens to you but understanding that everything happens for you, by you, and in fact, it is you.
Your “get-it-done” attitude got you here. But, now you feel like you’re forcing it which means you feel out of alignment and disconnected from what you actually desire.
Maybe you’ve learned about mindset and positive thinking which is great, but you’ve realized this work isn’t getting you any closer to the dream you want to live.
Manifesting and mindset are NOT synonymous.
Mindset is a small portion of mastering manifestation. It's about raising your vibration past THE LIMITATIONS OF your mind and actually turning your thoughts off so that you can receive answers. It's about learning to tune in and tap into a sea of potentiality and an ocean of possibilities.

My guess is that all of this will resonate with you:
You're ready to rewrite the script and be the director of your life. You call the shots.
You feel like you’re forcing creation vs working with it, burning yourself out and overcomplicating the steps.
You sense something bigger in yourself wanting to emerge but you're not quite sure how to let her out.
You’re ready to hyperspeed the results you want, and become deeply satisfied with the life you live. A life where you wake up excited and go to bed proud.
Welcome to IFB MANIFEST.Where the woo and the practical meet to help you manifest the life you desire.
This is the program where you’ll become deeply satisfied with the life you’re living.

Over the last fOUR years, I went from working 16-hour days for someone else to:
Building a successful coaching business with multiple seven figure sales.
Owning $12 million in real estate assets.
Achieving work-life balance and taking weeks off at a time traveling internationally with my husband and taking to my children on vacations to Disney World.
Upgrading my lifestyle, from a 2010 car with 200,000 miles to a Maserati and Cadillac.
Going from an Employee who hid in the background to top 1.5% podcast host speaking to hundreds and thousands from stage.
From feeling lost to helping hundreds of clients find purpose and helping women make millions all over the world.
Many people know me as the Sales Queen- but my secret sauce is that I’m a Master at Metaphysics.
I know it’s Not just what you do that matters as much as who you are when you do it.
In fact, all of the clients I teach sales to receive this program. Because none of the sales strategies will work if you don’t understand WHO you need to be to have them work.
This program can certainly help you in sales, but money is just a means.
IFB Manifest, is about becoming the CEO of your life where you’re enjoying success in all areas: money, health, relationships, and confidence within.
I’ve helped my clients…
Get promoted when half the company was laid off
Have 5-figure days at the beginning of a business while sitting poolside
Lose 50+ pounds and have energy again
Pay off their home and save for kids college funds
Sleep better, have more focus, and know they are supported which brings peace
Make more consistent sales because the energetics are key to attracting dream clients.
Feel more connected to their families and partners
Understand the difference between knowing and hoping which means they control their thoughts and play with imagination, manifesting their desires at hyperspeed
This program is about remembering who you are, reconnecting to your Inner Feminine Beast™, and embracing a new outlook where things just work out for you.
Show up bigger and more confident in business because of the clarity of their business and inner work.
Enjoy running their business fully because they now understand it’s 80% energetics and 20% strategy-hello flow and ease!
You’ll walk gracefully everyday with fear and step into courageous action as you watch your dream life become your real world.

It’s your year to master
mindset, meditation, metaphysics, and manifestation
And ifb manifest Is here to show you how
I want you to wake up excited everyday and go to bed proud of the intentional life you are living!
See EXACTLY WHAt IS COVERED Inside IFB manifest :
IFB Manifestation Mastery:
1. Acknowledge it
Get clarity on where you’re at.
Be honest, take ownership.
Let’s assess so we can notices the changes.
Understanding how we got here.
Being vulnerable is your super power
Not looking outside for the answers.
Awareness - everything inside is a focal point.
Gratitude for where we are at.
Understanding that Pain is a beautiful thing.
Cynthia’s 3W process to plug into the clear destination just like a GPS
2. Forgiveness
What really is forgiveness?
How are we Missing the mark?
Letting go, refocusing attention supports us in manifesting
Positively charge your words
Rewriting the script as the Director of your Life
How and why we forgive
Practices for forgiving
The importance of forgiving and forgetting
3. Getting clear on What you Want- What’s the Aim, why do you want it?
Get crystal clear on what you want
Give yourself persimmon to play with possibilities
Understanding desires
Implementing the IFB Flip Process For Clarity
The WHY X3 Process to create the feeling the magnetizes your manifestations
4. Understand the theory of manifesting the what and the why
Planting the seeds of Desires
The Power of Your Awareness to detach from physical reality and Remember who you are as a Spiritual Being
Knowing the different realms
how things come into physical existence.
Embracing The Process of Becoming
Understanding Alignment
5. Manifest - Implementing Techniques to Manifest
The Law of assumption
Monthly visioning Process
The thank you letter to reprogram your Subconscious
Understanding Prayer
The power of Emotions- Energy in Motion
Inner Feminine Beast™ Meditation for Magnetization
1. The Art of Doing of Nothing
Your Thoughts are Limiting You
What is Meditation?
Why do you Meditate?
Dismissing Objections
Observing thoughts
Detaching from desires
2. How do we Meditate
The IFB Meditation for Manifestation
How to specifically tweak the process for manifesting healing, goal setting, relationships and for receiving guidance
Understanding the importance of posture, how to concentrate, understanding breathe and noting sensations
3. Mastering the Mind for Meditation- Bootcamp to Control your Thoughts so your Thoughts do not Control You
Intention and Prayer
Single Point Focus
Candle Gazing
Time Blocking
4. Seeing It Through
Feeling Physical Sensations
Feeling Emotions
Law of Inertia
Ten things to Notice
Remembering your Why
IFB IT GIRL Wealth Codes
1. W- Who You are Being is More Important than What You Do
Knowing Your Money Blueprint
Becoming Aware of your Experiences and current programming of Money
Seeing Money as a Result
Being Desirable to Money
Seeing Money as Love
2. E- Expect Magic, Miracles, and a Whole Bunch of Money
Understanding Where Money Comes From
Stop Doing, and ALLOW
Living with #BUTOFCOURSE Energy
Money is Masculine by Nature
Chasing vs. Attracting
Labeling Money and People
Re writing money goals- Detaching money to worthiness and potential
Releasing Negative Money files
3. A- Awareness of Abundance
Creating Subtle Shifts for Capacity and Expansion
Seeing Money Left on the Table
Providing Value
Self Promotion
Winning vs. “Not” Losing
Saying “yes” to more
Limitations vs. wealth and abundance
Certainty- removing the wobble and “but” from your reasoning
Power in Proximity vs Resentment
Are you a good receiver?
The “Both” Mentality.
4. L- Lens of Luxury
Saying YES to your IFB Always
Teaching others by Leading by Example
5. T- Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk
Consistency and Repetition
Maintaining the Standard and the Frequency of Wealth
Expansion- You go first. Your money can only grow as much as you do.
6. H- Having It All
Rich vs Wealthy
Experience Last Real Wealth in All Areas of Life
How You do One This is How you Do Everything
Receiving in all areas of Success
Becoming Deeply Satisfied
Bless that which you desire
Understanding practicing Celebration
Inner Feminine beast™ Quantum Results
1. Getting Clarity - Knowing How the Universe works through Mentalism
The All- We are all one
The mirror Effect
2. Creating Consistency and Magnetism through Correspondence and Vibration
As above so Below- Everything in Life is a Projection of the Inner Self
Speaking your Truth
Nothing Rests- everything is Vibration
The Law of Attraction
3. Being Unstoppable by Creating and Keeping Momentum with Polarity and Rhythm
Everything is Dual
Pendulum and Tides- Understanding the ebbs and Flows of life and How to Work with them
4. Moving with Intention and Manifesting on Demand with Cause and Effect & Law of Gender
Everything happens according to law
No such thing as coincidence
Masculine and Feminine within everything and everyone
Inner Feminine Beast™ Wildly Confident
1. For She Who Has will Be Given More
There’s no such thing as Coincidence, Own it!
Believing in and Expecting Magic
Gratitude in Everything
Practices for Gratitude and Acceptance to call in More
2. Creating the Vision using the Power of Imagination
Awareness and the Law of Assumption for molding your Future Reality
Clarity on Your Desires and the Secret of Powerfully Constructing Reality through Imagination
Your Internal Conversations with Self for Embodiment on Confidence
3. The Art of Surrendering
Letting go and Stepping into Faith
Trust and Vision Pulling
Looking for and observing the Synchronicities
Understanding Your Magic
Embracing the Wholeness and Uniqueness of Who You Are.
4. Confidence and Worthiness Tapping into your Beast
The process of Becoming Her
Commitment and Accountability
Knowing and Exuding Your Value
Loving Fear
Convincing vs. Conveying
Divine Timing Debunked
Owning It. Claiming It. It’s Already Done.
Inner Feminine Beast™ Empowered Energetics
1. Discovering Your Energetic System for attuning your Frequency and being able to Function and Magnetize at a higher Vibration
What are chakras?
Connecting to the Chakras
Understanding Color
The ways to Utilize Color for healing and manifesting
Seeing and Feeling the Aura
2. Diving Deep into Your Energetic System to avoid burnout and to be the women who manifests on Demand
Breaking down and maximizing the frequency of each chakra to amplify ability to hyperspeed and achieve goals
3. Creating Energetic Space and Energy Clearing
Organizing your space
Organizing your time
Clearing energetic space
Creating boundaries
4. Energy flow for creativity, clarity, and guidance
Automatic Writing
Recording Goals and Achievements
Inner Feminine Beast™ Spiritual Selling
1. The What, the Why, the How, and the Who of Spiritual Selling
WHAT spiritual selling is and what it takes to be an exceptional coach and leader for your clients.
Gaining clarity on your WHY and being so deeply connected to it that it drives you to guarantee success.
Knowing HOW you deliver results for your clients and how your unique approach makes you *the* solution in the industry.
Understanding that HOW you price your services positions you in the market and attracts the right clients who align with your standards.
HOW to communicate your value with clarity and confidence.
Knowing WHO you are and who you must become to achieve wild success in sales, and understanding WHO you serve to attract committed, determined clients who are ready to invest and get results.
2. The Mindset of Successful Sales
Deeply understanding the source of money and mastering the energetics of being an effective receiver.
Building trust by not just talking the talk but authentically walking the walk, both in your social media presence and within your offers.
Being bold and confident in what you offer, inspiring others to confidently say yes and invest in you.
3. Creating Energetic Magnetism
Selling what genuinely excites you and infusing it with your unique energy, making your dream clients feel deeply connected and drawn to you.
Understanding your brand and how it works on a spiritual and energetic level to attract the right people into your world.
Crafting empowered messaging that clearly defines who you are and what you offer, making your dream client feel like you’re reading her diary and positioning you as the top expert and ultimate solution to support her.
Embodying the results you promise.
4. Energetics Throughout the Sales Experience
Gain clarity on how you might subconsciously be creating resistance in bringing sales into your business. Removing the Bottlenecks
Together, we’ll review your pricing, the energetics of your strategic positioning, and the language you use, ensuring nothing prevents people from saying, "Hell yes, I’m in!"
Learn how even small positive energetic shifts can dramatically enhance how you receive money.
Identify if you’re unintentionally slipping into "convincing mode," which might attract the wrong people and repel your dream clients.
Understand how to energetically set the standard in everything you do, leading to consistent sales and attracting the right people into your world.
1. This is Your Movie (Life)- Ready to Call the Shots?
The different Realms of Manifestation
Importance of Consistency and Gratitude
Giving yourself to Dream
Playing with Imagination and Curiosity
2. Clarity- What is your Movie (Life) going to be about?
The Importance of Asking Questions
You are made in the image of the Creator- you are meant to Create
Your Thoughts are like a Magic Wand! Where ever you aim your focus you amplify
Allowing for no Limitations
3. Writing out Your Script
The Power of Physically Writing for Manifestation
Making What you desire Normal
Being intentional to your Energetic Profit Producing Activities- Getting the Return you’re looking for.
4. Directing the Actors in your Life
Hiring the Actors who support you and fulfill your script
Firing the Actors who no longer serve you or support you
The Perception of Deception
Being the Boss of your Movie (Life)
5. Selecting the Scenery as the Director of your Life
You control your environment
What do your surroundings say about you
How to use the physical world to help you calibrate energetically and become a vibrational match for what you want
6. Aligned action BE THE BOSS
Planting the Seeds of Desire
Protecting your Dreams
Power in Postulating
Blocking the nay sayers including your own ego and talks of doubt
Inner Feminine Beast™ Femininity
1. Stages of Manifesting and moving into Receptivity through Femininity
Victim mentality
Masculine Manifestation
Tapping into Femininity Being Supported by Connecting to Consciousness and Source
Being Consciousness and allowing Source within to provide
2. Feeling Momentum with Femininty and Surrendering
Slowing Down to Speed up
Working with the law of rhythm and changes in natural cycles
Comprehending the changes and learning to have faith and trust
3. Being in the Chrysalis Stage- The Art of Becoming
You can’t serve two masters
The wobble effect between the stages of ascending
Not knowing the How but instead Allowing
4. Walking In the unknown through faith and surrender
Building a relationship with your higher Power
Having unshakable faith.
Taking aligned action as a woman who doesn't just believe but instead truly Knows.
Accepting abundance and Goodness as your birthright
Receive the IFB Guided Meditation for Manifestation ($150 Value)
AND Two PAID Masterclasses included with your purchase!!
The Beyond Money Mindset Master class ($111 VaLUE)
The Implementing Imagination Masterclass ($111 VALUE)
I’m a straight shooter so the curriculum I’ve put inside this program is top-notch, no fluff, exactly what you need to get results like this…
What you'll Receive:
Over 40 hours of Video Content to support you in Manifesting
Lifetime Access
BONUS- The IFB Meditation for Manifestation $150 VALUE
BONUS- The Beyond Money Mindset Paid Masterclass $111 VALUE
BONUS- The Implementing Imagination Paid Masterclass $111 VALUE