Inner Feminine Beast™
Everything we do inside Inner Feminine Beast™ Sales Academy comes back to this one thing:
The no-nonsense sales program designed to help you master authentic, direct engagement with your dream clients. Say goodbye to audio trends and pointing at floating boxes on Instagram reels that water down your expertise. Instead, learn the real profit-producing “social” media strategies—like authentic DMs that make daily sales, 5 - and 6-figure live launch strategies, and profitable podcasting. Discover how to build trust, position yourself as *the* solution, and reach your ideal clients without relying on algorithms to boost your content.
Multiple 6 and 7 figure success is in reach and much more simple than you’ve been making it.
It’s your turn mama!
Own It. Claim It. See It Through.
Inner Feminine Beast™(IFB) Sales Academy The ULTIMATE 12 MONTH SALES PROGRAM
To support you TO:
Create Profitable Offers: Develop and sell high-ticket offers that resonate with your audience, and support you in bringing in large cash injections, and build your recurring so you can wake up on the first of every month knowing you have tens of thousands of dollars in sales already secured . Hello Freedom!
Cut Your Marketing Time Down to 20 Minutes a Day & Build a Pipeline that Closes Daily : Identify who’s engaging with your content in a way where you can reach out and connect authentically and understand how to leverage Personal touches that build trust and create predictably for more sales..
Position Yourself as the Expert by Knowing EXACTLY what to say in a Conversations that Leads to an Authentic Sale and Feels Like You’ve Met Your New Biz Bestie: Learn the anti-sleaze conversations that are TRULY helpful dialogues that resonate with your ideal clients, ensuring they see you as the only solution to their needs with a no-brainer offer, no matter the price.
Does this feel familiar?
Are you a service-based female entrepreneur feeling like your sales have hit a plateau past the 6-figure mark and can’t seem to push past creating an additional 10K a month with your current sales strategy?
Do you hear that you’re the best coach from your clients, but you still feel like your pipeline is empty at the end of every cohort and your current marketing strategy you were taught isn’t reliable, consistent, or relies on hustling for low-ticket sales because that’s what the 7-figure influencers told you to do?
You’re stuck pouring resources into $22 courses that teach fleeting tactics, and you’ve invested in all the Reels programs teaching you how to “go viral” that don’t grow your account with the right quality of people. Not just that, you’ve paid for the selling in Stories strategy that relies on you hoping the algorithm shows you to the right person to sees your offer only to waste so much time, and still not have your sales be consistent.
Good, well you found us here and instead, let’s focus on what truly drives revenue:
It's easy to think that visibility is the issue and if you just went viral you’d be raking in the dough, but if that were true, why aren’t you converting your existing audience into high-ticket $3K-$10K+ package clients. There are people in your current audience now who are ready to buy, and this is where I come in…

Here’s what you need to know about me:
I’m all about simplicity, serving, speed, and GETTING YOU PAID…
Women just like you, who have been in your coaching business for sometime now and are so ready to blow up and achieve 6 and multiple 6 figure sales success, come to Me because of what I've personally been able to achieve…
With my skills and experiences of over a decade in sales, social selling, and sales management - along with the identity and energetics work as a devote student to Metaphysics, I took off fast when I started my company from scratch. Within 4 months, I had 16 clients and a six-figure business. In 6 months, I hit multiple six figures, earning my previous annual salary in just half a year. By month 8, I was pulling in $70K cash months. And if you’re desiring your business to be similar- you’re in the right place.
With my sales strategies I’ve not generated millions in sales, launched the Inner Feminine Beast™ podcast ranked in the top 1.5% globally (out of 3.5 million shows!), and been named the #1 Women in Sales podcast on Feedspot, a platform with over 4 million users in 150 countries. I’ve spoken on stages across the U.S. alongside leaders like Chalene Johnson and Rich Queen Leanne Mosley, hosted 10 in-person events, and I’ve worked with hundreds of powerhouse women from across the globe.
What did I do? It’s what I still do. And it’s what I teach my clients to do worldwide to make millions- and will now show you.
Want to know the secret? Alright, I’ll let you in. Here’s what you need to know...
Here’s what I didn’t need to get here:
An expensive Flashy website (I didn’t even have one for years!)
Shiny, glittery posts (I laugh at my orange and brown graphics from back then!) Ew how did that happen?
Pointing at floating text boxes, trending sounds, or social media fads (TikTok didn’t even exist when I started, nor did Reels or trending audios, so you know this isn’t about chasing the latest trend).
What I did rely on is exactly what I teach today.
And it works.
I know you think you have a visibility issue, but Money doesn’t come from followers, likes, or comments.
are you waiting for people to find you or are you goiNg directly to the people you want to serve who are looking for you now?
Sales are about building trust and real connections with your dream clients, the ones ready to pay you NOW- as in like yesterday.
When you understand how to go directly to your people and position yourself as the solution and earn their trust, Sales becomes the everyday norm.
Say hello to 6 figure sales Success.
It’s Your Turn Mama.
Not only have I created 7 figures success for myself while casually sipping my morning coffee and spending just 20 minutes building connections that earn me $9,000+ program sales, I've helped entrepreneurs just like you turn their leads into $20,000 in new sales within the first month of implementing these strategies. You can see many of the results right here on this page.
So think about it…
. What would it look like if you always knew where your next high ticket sale was coming from and when? Yes Predictable sales!!
How would it feel to have dream clients reaching out to you for all your offers at every price point?
WHAT WOULD IT MEAN FOR YOU To know you can achieve 6 figure plus (and i definitely mean plus) success with a small following while not being glued to social media and your phone and while chasing marketing trends in hopes to go viral?
Can you see youreself eliminating sales calls, making sales in your sleep or with a simple DM exchange? Yes this is my reality and my clients reality too. And it’s about to be yours!
yeah…That’s what happens inside IFB Sales Academy.
making more reels isn’t going to solve your sales problem. learning the exact profit producing activities that create sales daily is.
Hint: it involves Connecting DIRECTLY with your dream clients.
even if you are already making great money, i guarantee you are leaving money on the table and i’m going to show you how.
Inside the Inner Feminine Beast™ Sales Academy,
I’ll teach you how to artfully and authentically connect with your audience in a way that builds trust, positions you as the expert, and makes it easy for them to buy from you. Forget spending all your time on posts, stories, and reels that nobody sees. (I’ll help you do this too, but spend way less time on it.) I’ll show you how to focus on profit-producing activities like authentically connecting in DMs, getting organized with your consistant pipeline so you’re can convert regularly . We’re talking big sales, five-figure sales.
I’m here to get you to know your people. Know where they are in the buying process, have them see you as *the* solution, and be able to wake up every day knowing exactly who your next sale is coming from and what steps to take to close it. By attracting more clients you’ll create more results which leads to validation. Validation creates demand. And before you know it, you’ll be the established brand and highly sought after, in demand coach you’ve always desired and knew you could be. Did I mention the consistent and PREDICTABLE Stripe payments that come with it?? $$cha-ching$$.
You’re an incredible coach and entrepreneur who gets your clients amazing results. We know that.
My job? To help you to continue to get more clients so you can keep delivering those life-changing results.
The Inner Feminine Beast™ Sales Academy is the program that helps you to GET PAID.
What we cover in
IFB Sales Academy
Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the IFB Sales Academy! Imagine having me by your side for a whole year, guiding you through my proven step-by-step systems to elevate you from where you are to where you want to be, adding six figures to your income this year.
My role is to keep you at the forefront of industry trends while supporting you to master the timeless principles of successful sales. The content in the program is updated regularly, incorporating the latest strategies and insights based on client success, my personal wins, and to answer your questions. Plus, you will have access to all my resources, templates, guides, and scripts with corresponding worksheets for each training
Never before have you seen everything you need in one program completely organized and mapped out for you step by step. Not just that you have my personalized support from me directing you daily to to the resources that align with your current focus.
Welcome to the best fucking sales program on the planet—IFB Sales Academy. 💜
The Inner Feminine Beast™ Sales Academy Explores-
(use the drop down menu to see what each module covers in depth!)
You’ll quickly realize that Cynthia Stant's approach to sales is unlike anyone else in the industry. There’s a reason why her name is synonymous with sales. Cynthia doesn’t just teach sales—she embodies what sales truly represent, and she’s here to help you do the same.
For Cynthia, sales is spiritual. It’s about being of service, using your God-given gifts to guide your clients toward extraordinary success. It’s not just about what you do; it’s about who you are while doing it.
That’s why Cynthia is dedicated to equipping you with the skills to develop the right mindset, do the essential identity work, and understand the version of yourself you need to become to reach and sustain the level of success and wealth you desire.
The modules covered here will guide you through this transformational journey.
It's Not What You do, It's Who You are When You Do It!
Know Your Inner Feminine Beast™ and Your WHY
Vision Casting & Your Monthly Vision Board
How Confidence Really Works
What Does it Mean to be the CEO? It comes down to ONE Thing
Ask, KNOW, Make Room, Receive
Where Does Money Come From and Being an Energetic Match
Being the End Result and the Law of Assumption
Making Sales is about Earning Trust
Establishing Standards and Boundaries
Meditation and the Successful Soul System Meditation Practice
Your Thank You Letter to Master the Law of Assumption in order to have all your hard work pay off and manifest like an IFB
If you think you have a visibility issue, ask yourself: why aren’t the people who are seeing your content jumping into your DMs, saying things like, "Oh my goodness, I just read your post and I know you’re my dream coach! It’s like you were speaking directly to my soul. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for—how do I sign up?"
The truth is, it’s probably not a visibility issue—it’s about being laser-focused and specific in speaking to your dream client. This is a critical aspect of everything we do in your business. Everything—from your programs and workshops to your copy and content—should be designed with your dream client in mind. You need to really dial in on who she is to get the results you want.
In this section of the program, we’ll cover key modules such as:
Identifying Your Dream ClientSpeaking to your Dream Client’s “Pains”
Being Specific to Your Dream Client’s Desires
”The Connect and Convert Copy Method
Where Do I Go To Find My Dream Clients Online?
Set the Standard and Lead by Example
Seven Ways of Qualifying your Dream Client
Initial Connection with Your Dream Client & Nurturing to Earn Trust with the 150 Dream List
To scale to six figures and beyond, it’s crucial that your numbers align with your goals. Cynthia will help you design premium-level programs that build consistent, recurring income.
Imagine waking up on the 1st of every month knowing you’ve got $10,000+ coming in—without having to make a single sale that month. That’s what we’re creating here.
Remember, it’s always easier to sell one $5,000 offer than 100 $50 offers. If you want to simplify your business, free up your time, and attract high-commitment clients who get real results—and get you paid—this is the path.
Modules covered here include_Knowing Your Numbers
Understanding Different Business Models: Scalable, Premium, Luxury
Pricing and Packaging Your First Scalable Program
Pricing and Packing All offers in your offer suite
STOP Right Now ! There's Money Sitting On The Table, Let's Start There!
What to Know About Your Niche
How to Sell a $10,000+ Idea... It Starts with a Syllabus
Creating a Syllabus that Sells and your Coaching and Launch Schedule
How To Use The IFB Sales Academy For A Premium Level Business
How To Use The IFB Sales Academy For Network Marketing
In today’s saturated online space, buyers are more discerning than ever. It’s essential that you stand out. You need to own and confidently claim your expertise, positioning yourself not just as a solution, but as the solution for your dream client.
This segment of the Inner IFB Sales Academy will empower you to highlight your expertise and establish yourself as the go-to expert—one who is highly sought after and in demand. And set you up by optimize your social media so that when you dream client decides it's time to work with you- they can Pay you while you sleep!!! YESS! Modules here include:
How Do You Stand out in Your Market and Getting Your Clients Results
How to Create a Facebook™ Group- Set up to Monetize
Build a Facebook™ Group to Create Culture and Community
How to Name a Facebook™ group, Programs, Masterclasses and Workshops
Your Facebook™ Group is a Party
Optimizing your Facebook™ Group Entry Questions to Qualify and Monetize Leads
Create a Schedule for Daily Engagement in Your Facebook Group
Content Creation and Consistency
Create a Schedule for Daily Engagement in Your Facebook Group
The Art of Going LIVE
Theory of the CLICK CLICK Sale Method
Profile Marketing Audit
How to create a banner to set your profile up for success!
Making It Easy for People to Pay You
Your Expertise and the importance of Client Results+ Weekly Live sales example
The Energetics of Content that Converts
Cynthia has generated over $5 million in sales through DMs and has been paid $50,000+ to teach her proven strategies to multiple seven-figure clients. Now, inside the IFB Sales Academy, she’s sharing the exact skills you need to get organized, so you not only know where your next sale is coming from but also who it will be.
If you only have 20 minutes a day, you can still generate income. Cynthia will teach you how to close sales directly in the DMs, eliminating the need for lengthy sales calls. She’s ready to share everything!
This section includes modules such as:
How Do You Stand out in Your Market and Getting Your Clients Results
Build a Facebook™ Group to Create Culture and Community
How to Name a Facebook™ group, Programs, Masterclasses and Workshops
Your Facebook™ Group is a Party
Optimizing your Facebook™ Group Entry Questions to Qualify and Monetize Leads
Create a Schedule for Daily Engagement in Your Facebook Group
Content Creation and Consistency
The Art of Going LIVE
Theory of the CLICK CLICK Sale Method
Profile Marketing Audit
How to create a banner to set your profile up for success!
Making It Easy for People to Pay You
Your Expertise and the importance of Client Results+ Weekly Live sales example
Law of Assumption in Sales
The 3 "Must Haves" in every Sales conversation
DM strategies- Conversations for Qualifying
Creating White Glove service with Customizable Serving Assets - the Magic behind Selling in DMs
Show you How to XYZ so you can 123- Being the Solution for your dream client
Conversations that Convert- The DM Tree
Database Training. Organize Your Leads
Intuitive White Board Training
Attraction Marketing- How to Use Social Media to have your Dream Clients Reach out to you in DM
Selling From Your Stories- Having Dream Clients Connect with You in DM through the Content you post in Stories
You might find that your current activities aren’t yielding results—spending time on unproductive tasks, crafting lengthy copy that goes unnoticed. The truth is, your primary focus should be on connecting with people. Remember, money comes from relationships.
In this section, Cynthia will break down the daily actions you should take to engage directly with your audience. She’ll show you how to build meaningful connections that lead to consistent sales. Lessons include:
Money comes from People
Three Calls to be Having- Connection Calls
Three Calls to Be Having- Strategy Calls
Three Calls to Be Having- Consultation Calls
Sales Metrics and Statistics
What to Delegate
Power of Intention
Time Management
Daily Method of Operations
Selling Without Launching or in Between Launching- Making Sales Daily
If you’re ready to host online masterclasses and workshops, this is the exact strategy Cynthia teaches her 7-figure clients to scale their launches from $250,000 to $500,000. Even clients who are just starting their businesses have achieved multiple 5-figure cash months by applying the lessons in this course, which is included in the IFB Sales Academy!
Gain immediate access to 36 bite-sized modules that take you step-by-step from the basics to achieving multiple five- and six-figure sales at your next launch. Inside, you’ll learn:
The marketing strategies needed to attract your dream clients.
How to generate and prep leads so they see the value and attend your event.
What to name your presentation and exactly what to cover.
How to sell on camera, ensuring you're strategically selling rather than just teaching.
Pricing your bonuses and closing multiple clients at once.
You’ll have full access to the IFB Launch Experience Course including trainings on-
The Theory behind the E.A.R.N Method
Four Types of People that will Attend Your Workshops
Growing Your Group and attracting Your Dream Clients
Naming Your Workshop/Conversion event
Deciding on how many Days Your Conversion Event Should Be
Deciding on What Content you should Cover- Focus on Steps and Systems
Creating Your Workshop Worksheets
Creating Your Workshop Welcome Video
Your Marketing Checklist- Everything You Need to prep for your Event
The Art of Selling on Camera- The 4 H's, Transparency, Seeding, and Your Invitation
The Q&A Session- a One to many ConsultationThe Ins and Outs of Facebook™- Tagging, guides, DM's algorithms and Avoiding FB jail
Reviewing Feeds- Where's Waldo?
Time Line for Launch- your Key to 6 Figures in 6 months
The Importance of imperfect Action
The Schedule of Events- scheduling Your Content Ahead of Time
What happens during a Workshop is 1000% more important than what happens During
The Art oF DMing
You rWelcome DM the Beginning of the Concierge Experience
Qualifying your Dream Clients with the "3 Big" Questions
Having Hand picked Resources To Have Your Content Sell For you
Does Your Dream Client See the Value of Attending Your Event?
Tracking Your Database-Organizing Your Leads
Hot List Day of ReminderNow Enrolling - Are You Considering? The important Question that will Make or Break Your Results
XYZ to 123- Are you the Right FIt? Making Sure the Right People Join Your Program
The Last 24 Hours
Growing Your Email List
Selecting Effective Bonuses For Your Workshops
The Flow of Your 5 Day Launch
Your Launch DebriefPop Up Group and Not Using Facebook™ to Launch
How to Automate a Launch
Ads vs Organic
New Client OnboardingWhat to DM Leading up to During and After your Live Launch to Create Consistent Sales- SCRIPTS included
When you master the art of sales and position yourself with transparency and authority—while also engaging in the inner work of a true leader—you’ll find that objections become much less frequent. However, when they do arise, the goal isn’t to simply overcome them; it’s to provide clarity. Remember, a “no” often means, “I need more information to say yes.”
Cynthia will guide you in breaking down how to provide clarity on any objection you might encounter. She’ll also help you navigate the various social media platforms based on your preferences and where your dream clients like to connect.
In this section, you’ll find modules such as:
Overcoming Objections
Building Your Money Board
FOMO Strategies After Launch
How to Use Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube for Consistent Sales
Always Know where your Next Sales is
While sharing your story and results is important, what your dream client truly cares about is whether you can deliver results for them. Take a look at this page—do you see all those testimonials? That’s a testament to the success my clients have achieved.
I’m here to show you how to get similar results for your clients and implement effective strategies to capture testimonials that build credibility. This validation creates demand and positions you as a highly sought-after expert.
I’ll teach you how to amass hundreds of testimonials, just like I have, by helping your clients succeed and make sales. Here we will cover-
How to Collect Testimonials and Get Amazing Client interviews
How to have Compliments Convert to CASH
Examples of Video Testimonials
Examples of Video Interview Testimonials
When you finish working with a client at the end of their initial term, what happens next? Do you simply say goodbye and wish them well? I certainly hope not! If you’re consistently investing in your own growth and evolution, you’ll want to invite your clients to rise alongside you.
It’s essential to map out a client journey that encourages ongoing growth, allowing clients to continue their relationship with you for years to come. Many of Cynthia’s clients renew not because they didn’t find value the first time—who would renew if that were the case? They renew because they appreciate the continued support and know that Cynthia is always adding new value, enhancing her skills and wisdom to share even more with them.
Together, we rise. In this section, we’ll cover how to structure multiple tiers of your business model, creating diverse programs that generate multiple streams of income. The lessons covered here are:
Life Time Cycle of Client- Retention & Keeping a Client for LifeOnboarding and Orientation
Celebration Calls
Protecting the Standards of Value
By now, you should understand that money comes from people, but not just your dream clients. It’s crucial to connect with other high-level individuals and master the art of cross-promotion—leveraging each other's audiences to create win-win-win situations. When you win, they win, and both audiences benefit.
Cynthia attributes her multi-figure success to her ability to connect and collaborate with other high-achieving producers who prioritize collaboration over competition. In this section, she will share her secrets and strategies for connecting and promoting with the right people—those who can help elevate your success to new heights.
ReferralsCross Promoting
Creating Your Media Kit
Pitching for Being a Guest
While you don’t necessarily need to start a podcast, it’s noteworthy that 90% of the women who join the IFB Sales Academy don’t have one when they start, but create their own after joining. Cynthia’s podcast ranks in the top 1.5% globally and has achieved the distinction of being the number one podcast for women in sales and the second for spiritual entrepreneurs. She has built this success organically, generating multiple six-figure incomes each year through her podcast.
In this section, you’ll discover just how simple it can be to achieve similar results. You’ll learn how to:
1. The Theory Behind Monetizing your Podcast2. Naming Your Podcast
3. Graphics
4. Creating your Podcast Intro and Outro
5. Podcast Equipment
6. Podcast Editing 101
7. Multi posting- Less Work More Results
8. FOCUS and Consistency
9. Content- What to Record
10. Booking Guests- Attracting Your Dream Client
11. Power of Proximity & the Art of Cross Promoting
12. Getting booked and being a great guest
13. Creating Consistent sales from the podcast
14. Creating Multiple Streams of Income From Your Podcast: Speaking Events & Affiliate Income
15. Organizing Your Episodes
16. Using Your podcast as a valuable hand- picked resource for your dream clients
17. Sharing A media kit with your podcast guest!!
18. Writing your Weekly episode show description done easy -
Templates, scripts, resources, graphics, video example and more!

Ready for personalized, face-to-face support?
Submit your questions ahead of our monthly live Zoom call, and Cynthia will come fully prepared to provide you with specific strategies and actionable insights you can implement immediately. Don’t leave the call without the clarity and confidence to take your next steps.
Here are just a few ways Cynthia can support you:
Fine-tuning your launch strategy: Need help naming your upcoming workshop, structuring your offer, or crafting your sales pitch? Cynthia’s got you covered.
Sales call prep: Get ready for your big sales conversation by role-playing with Cynthia. Clients have walked away with $12k in CASH after just one session.
Auditing your DMs, copy, or social media: Cynthia will review and refine your messaging to ensure you’re connecting and converting.
Her goal? To make sure you know exactly what to do to get PAID.
In these jam-packed, highly informative 90-minute to 2-hour group sessions, Cynthia will also teach on relevant topics that will benefit everyone. You’ll receive customized support, plus learn from the real-time coaching she gives to other members.
Yes, you read that right—daily support, directly from Cynthia!
You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and receive detailed, thoughtful responses within 24-48 hours. Cynthia is available Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST, to provide you with in-depth answers and ensure you get the personalized guidance you need. She’s here to help, so don’t hesitate—ask away!
Plus, you’ll be able to connect with other driven women in the program, who will offer their insights and support as well.
Here are some examples of what clients typically ask for help with:
Reviewing their ideal client profile to ensure alignment with their offer.
Pricing and program development to meet specific financial goals.
Simplifying processes and removing bottlenecks in their business.
Tweaking copy to attract the right audience.
Selling strategies, including feedback on launch plans and outlines.
Sales call prep to feel confident and ready to close.
DM audit and reply reviews to secure the sale.
Cynthia is committed to helping you succeed and making sure you have the clarity and tools to reach your goals!
You’ll gain immediate access to the Inner Feminine Beast™ Client Membership Portal, where you'll find everything you need to hit your first six figures—and beyond! Inside, you’ll discover:
Worksheets to help you map out, plan, organize, and gain clarity on the strategies you're learning.
Templates: Use my easy fill-in-the-blank templates to craft DMs that convert and write copy that attracts your dream clients straight into your inbox faster than you can say "IFB."
Scripts: Access proven scripts that have driven six-figure launches, examples of what to say in your videos to sell, and the exact language to use in your DMs to close deals.
Outlines: Get step-by-step outlines for structuring your sales calls, pricing your programs, planning your offers, and organizing your lead databases so you always know who to target next.
(See the syllabus below for the full curriculum on what’s covered.)
Being an entrepreneur is a spiritual journey. Join Cynthia LIVE every week until December 2024, with full replay access afterward inside the IFB Manifest Program. This program is designed to support the spiritual side of selling, helping you realize that success isn’t just about what you do—it's about who you are as you run your business and make sales.
Cynthia will guide you through the mindset, energetics, identity, and embodiment work needed to align with your highest potential. Clients often say this unique blend of energetics and sales strategy is one of the key reasons they love working with Cynthia—and it’s one of the secrets to their success. After all, it’s not just about being the CEO of your business; it’s about being the CEO of your life.
With 48 hours of live and recorded training, you’ll learn to fully embody your Inner Feminine Beast. The value? $6,000!
Examples of trainings include:
IFB Spiritual Selling: Learn how to identify energetic bottlenecks that block sales and attract your dream clients based on your frequency.
Manifestation Mastery: Money is important, but Cynthia wants you to manifest happiness and success in all areas of your life. Discover how to manifest it all.
IFB Wildly Confident: Walk, talk, and show up as your Inner Feminine Beast. Be the leader your clients look up to and the CEO of both your business and your life.
Meditation for Magnetization: Learn to meditate and control your thoughts so they don’t control you. Plus, as a bonus, receive Cynthia's Guided Inner Feminine Beast Meditation to help realign and raise your vibe daily—$150 value!
If you’re ready to host online masterclasses and workshops, this is the exact strategy Cynthia teaches her 7-figure clients to scale their launches from $250,000 to $500,000. Even clients who are just starting their businesses have achieved multiple 5-figure cash months by applying the lessons in this course, which is included in the IFB Sales Academy!
Gain immediate access to 36 bite-sized modules that take you step-by-step from the basics to achieving multiple five- and six-figure sales at your next launch. Inside, you’ll learn:
The marketing strategies needed to attract your dream clients.
How to generate and prep leads so they see the value and attend your event.
What to name your presentation and exactly what to cover.
How to sell on camera, ensuring you're strategically selling rather than just teaching.
Pricing your bonuses and closing multiple clients at once.
I’m a straight shooter so the curriculum I’ve put inside this program is top-notch, no fluff, exactly what you need to get results like this…
hEAR wHAT cynthia’s Clients have to say about how her strategies and customized support have increased thier sales.

You too can have Results like this!

MEET my client
Vanessa Kromer
Vanessa came to one of my in-person events and joined the IFB Sales Academy the very next day. She didn’t know much about me at the time, but she took a leap of faith and dove in. That leap led to a 1:1 bonus session with me, and, WOW, what a game-changer.
Now, when you have a bonus session with me you fill out a survey so that I come prepared and we can make the most of our time. but I felt there was a lot missing from her survey so I wanted to dig deeper with her .
During our session, I asked her:
“Tell me more about your business. How long have you’ve been a luxury travel agent”
She explained she’d been a luxury travel agent for 15 years. And as I asked more I found out she was making around $8K a month. She also casually mentioned that she had over 200 vacations booked and was two months out on her waitlist.
I was impressed, and asked her how much are luxury vacations?
She explained that many of her clients book $25K+ vacations!
“Wait, what?” I said. “Why don’t I know about this? Why am I not seeing any of this incredible expertise on your social media or in how you’re showing up? You didn’t even include it in your survey.”
She sat there for a moment, processing. Then she admitted, “You’re right. Why am I not showing this?”
Then I asked her a big one:
“Do you charge a fee for your services?”
She hesitated. “No… many other travel agents don’t charge fees.”
And I told her straight-up:
“Other travel agents aren’t YOU. Other travel agents aren’t booking $25K luxury vacations or planning experiences like yachts on the Adriatic Sea or vineyard tours with private wine owners. This isn’t 1-800-Sandals or breakfast with Mickey Mouse.(No offense you know I love Mickey! lol) You’re in a league of your own, and you need to OWN that.”
Vanessa paused, and I could literally see the shift happening in her. “You’re right,” she said.
I pushed her further:
“Why aren’t you teaching other travel agents? You have 15 years of expertise and a thriving business—why not share that knowledge and create another income stream?”
Lightbulb moment. She realized how much money she’d been leaving on the table.
Ah moments like this, helping women like Vanessa and you to own and claim and package your genius is what I love for.
This session was in November. So Fast forward to January (2 months later) , and Vanessa has completely transformed her business:
✨ She started charging fees for her services.
✨ She began consulting other travel agents- a service she hadn’t considered providing before.
✨She launched VIP Days during Black Friday (same month as the 1:1 session), selling them out for the first time ever.
✨She is now even hosting her first Group VIP in person experience- training luxury travel agents.
✨ She set a stretch goal to close $100,000 in vacation sales for January (1.5 months since joining)—and as of January 21st, she’s already hit that goal resulting in $30K in commissions! Her biggest month yet. The last vacation was a $30,000 vacation.
Oh, and it gets better…
Because of how she’s been owning who she is and embodying her Inner Feminine Beast™ She’s also caught the attention of our beloved industry. Goss Magazine reached out to her, and not only is she featured in a two-page spread, but she’s also on the COVER of their January issue! You can see her name right on the front! Just Like that…
But of Course.
Vanessa’s quick success is what happens when you combine sales strategy with energetics and show up as the powerhouse you’re meant to be.
This is the work I do and the Results my clients get.
It’s your Turn Mama!
Oh and YES! you can get Your 1:1 session BONUS now too when you Enroll in the Inner Feminine Beast™ Sales Academy! See information on the current Bonuses happening now!
Inner Feminine bEAST™ sALES aCADEMY is for you if:
You are a self-directed woman seeking a no-fluff mentor. I’ll be honest with you and shake you with love when needed.
You’re established in your entrepreneurial journey or ready to get started and really commit and ready to hyperspeed your sales in your online coaching business.
You’re ready to ditch “hoping” that the Algorithm gods will be kind to you on all of your social media efforts in content creations. And instead your ready to take your sales game to the next level by connecting DIRECTLY with your dream client (yep, it’s possible).
You feel like the best kept secret and are ready to have more eyeballs, and more conversations with dream clients that lead to consistent sales.
You have 6-figure and 7 figure goals and you’re willing to do what it takes to make it happen.
This is not for you if:
You plan to hide behind glittery posts and shiny graphics, hoping someone will notice. Here, you're stepping up as a leader, which means getting out in front of your audience, authentically connecting on social media, going live, and engaging with real people.
You're unclear about your business or expertise. If you're simply intrigued by the idea of "making money," think again. This program is about standing out by genuinely serving your clients with your expertise in your zone of genius. When you serve with passion, the money follows. It's not just about posting; it's about impact.
You're not committed. Commitment is the foundation of success. I’m here to support you with daily Q&A, but as they say, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink." Well, mama, I’ve got all the refills you need—but it your decision to drink up!

IFB Sales Academy
Step into the 12-month intensive coaching program geared toward propelling you to the heights of 6-figure success and beyond. Here, you'll dive deep into the art of authentic connection and consistent sales, all without getting bogged down by social media fads or becoming a slave to your smartphone.
Why? Because you’re about to be equipped with the skills to always know exactly where and who your next sale is coming from. No more scrambling to keep up with the latest trends, fighting for more followers, or feeling overwhelmed by endless notifications. With Cynthia’s proven strategies, you'll be able to confidently create a business that helps you to serve and earn the trust of your dream clients. They’re waiting to work with you now. Are you ready? Let’s get you paid mama.

join the ifb sales academy For the Full Year
Join IFB Sales Academy and Get the IFB Manifest Program for 12 months FREE!! ($5,555 Value!)
The Inner Feminine Beast™ is a 12 month minimum commitment. Enrollment will continue on a monthly basis after the initial 12 months when you decide to continue.
( 1 Month FREE When you Pay in Full)
You look like a woman who likes to be upgraded- join the ifb sales academy For the Full Year as an
ifb vip! 1 spot left!!!
Join IFB Sales Academy and Get a 60 minute 1 on 1 session EACH MONTH with Cynthia for Customized support.
Plus get access to the IFB Manifest Program for 12 months FREE!! ($5,555 Value!)
The Inner Feminine Beast™ is a 12 month minimum commitment. Enrollment will continue on a monthly basis after the initial 12 months when you decide to continue.
( 2 Months FREE When you Pay in Full)
🚨 BONUSES Happening Right Now🚨
Here’s the big news – if you’ve ever considered joining the Inner Feminine Beast™ Sales Academy, now is the time! We’re offering the best bonuses yet:
Receive a 60 min 1:1 session with me when you join IFB Sales Academy by February 28th 8:00PM EST!
There's so much that can be covered in a one hour 1:1 session, and nothing is off limits.
Want me to help you to price and package your offers?
Review your entire launch plan with you?
Review your Dream client work so you have it perfected?
Review your offers and sales processes to see where there are any bottlenecks? Let's simplify your sales process to bring more sales in quicker.
Review your DM Strategy with you? Yes, you don't need Sales Calls! I got you mama!
Audit your social media to make sure you can be making sales NOW?
Answer any and all of your questions- I GOT YOU!! Let's go!
You’ll have your 1:1 session one month into enrolling so we both have time to prep and you can dive into the content prior so we can come prepared and make the most of your session!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the daily Q&A support like inside the Inner Feminine Beast™ Sales Academy?
Monday through Friday, Cynthia actively monitors the client Facebook group, responding to any questions where she’s tagged. You can ask anything related to the training modules or sales strategies, and Cynthia will respond within 24-48 hours with in-depth answers. She provides detailed feedback—often paragraphs long—ensuring clarity, offering suggestions, and outlining specific steps or shifts you can take to get results and increase your sales. She’ll also direct which trainings within the program can specifically help you.
Common questions asked in the client group include:
Reviewing content and copy
Evaluating DM conversations with leads
Fine-tuning sales strategies for launches
Prepping for sales calls and pricing adjustments
Identifying bottlenecks and making tweaks for immediate improvements
Improving your sales funnel and offer suite for more consistent sales
What if I miss the live coaching calls or my hot seat?
No worries! Since the program includes clients worldwide across different time zones, you can submit your questions before the call, and Cynthia will address them as if you were present. You’ll receive detailed answers on the replay. After watching, you can ask follow-up questions in the Facebook group, where Cynthia will provide further support. Remember, this program offers daily support, not just during the coaching calls—Cynthia is there for you every step of the way.
What are the payment options, and is there any financial assistance available?
The current program investment is $8,767, or 12 monthly payments of $797. The VIP upgrade investment is $14,997 or $1,497 per month. You can pay via credit card, debit card, or PayPal at checkout.
While Cynthia isn’t affiliated with this option, some clients have successfully used PayPal Credit, which offers 0% interest for six months. You may want to explore that option further here on your own: PayPal Credit
What happens after I join?
You’ll receive two emails immediately:
A welcome email from Cynthia with a link to join the client Facebook™ group, where you can connect with other clients and ask your first questions.
An email from Kajabi (our platform), giving you access to the membership portal and immediate access to the trainings.
For any bonuses, Cynthia will reach out via email from info@cynthiastant.com with instructions for getting started.
How long do I have access to the program resources and Cynthia’s support?
The program is a 12-month container. During this time, you’ll have access to the client Facebook™ group, membership portal, coaching calls, and Cynthia’s direct support. After your term ends, you can continue on a month-to-month basis with the option to cancel at any time by providing written notice to info@cynthiastant.com.
If you choose to join the program on a month-to-month basis, you'll have continuous access each month until you decide to cancel or upgrade to the full-year program. To cancel, simply provide a written notice to info@cynthiastant.com at least 10 days before your next scheduled payment.
What Other Programs and Courses Will I Have Access To Besides IFB Sales Academy?
As an IFB Sales Academy client, you'll also gain access to all paid masterclasses Cynthia hosts for the public, as well as the IFB Manifest Program and the IFB Launch Experience Course.
IFB Manifest Program Overview
Being an entrepreneur is a spiritual journey. Join Cynthia live weekly until December 2024, with full replay access afterward inside the IFB Manifest Program. This program is designed to support the spiritual side of selling, helping you realize that success isn’t just about what you do—it's about who you are as you grow your business and make sales.
Cynthia will guide you through the mindset, energetics, identity, and embodiment work needed to align with your highest potential. Clients rave about her unique blend of energetics and sales strategy—it's a key reason they love working with her and one of the secrets to their success. After all, it’s not just about being the CEO of your business; it’s about being the CEO of your life.
With 48 hours of live and recorded training, you’ll embody your Inner Feminine Beast. Total value? $5,555!
Examples of Trainings Inside the IFB Manifest Program
IFB Spiritual Selling: Identify energetic bottlenecks that block sales and learn to attract your dream clients based on your frequency.
Manifestation Mastery: Money is essential, but Cynthia teaches you how to manifest happiness and success in all areas of your life.
IFB Wildly Confident: Learn how to embody the presence of your Inner Feminine Beast and lead both your clients and your life with power.
Meditation for Magnetization: Master meditation to control your thoughts, plus receive Cynthia's bonus Guided Inner Feminine Beast Meditation—a $150 value—to help you realign and elevate your energy every day.
IFB Launch Experience
Ready to host online masterclasses and workshops? In this course, you'll learn the exact strategies Cynthia teaches her 7-figure clients to scale their launches from $250,000 to $500,000. Even clients new to business have achieved multiple 5-figure months by applying these lessons, included in the IFB Sales Academy!
You’ll get immediate access to 36 bite-sized modules that walk you step-by-step from the fundamentals to achieving five- and six-figure sales in your next launch.
Here’s what you'll learn:
The essential marketing strategies to attract your dream clients.
How to generate leads and prep them so they see the value of your event.
What to name your presentation and exactly what to cover.
Selling on camera in a way that’s strategic, not just educational.
Pricing your bonuses and closing multiple clients at once.
What Level Should I Be in My Business to Join IFB Sales Academy?
The Inner Feminine Beast™ Sales Academy is designed to meet you exactly where you are in your business journey and provide a clear, customized roadmap to get you where you want to be.
What all the women in this program have in common is that they are experts at what they do, excel at delivering results for their clients, or are determined to step into that role with confidence and commitment.
Here’s a snapshot of the types of women who thrive in this program:
1. Established Experts Looking to Transition Online
Many women in the program have already built 6- or 7-figure businesses in the offline world—through brick-and-mortar locations, speaking engagements, or service-based businesses.
They’re ready to translate their expertise into the online space by creating a second profitable business as a coach or consultant.
They want to learn how to structure their business model for success and scale sustainably.
2. Online Coaches & Service Providers Ready to Scale
Other clients are already thriving in their online coaching or service-based businesses. They join the academy to:
Master high-level skills that simplify and scale their sales process.
Learn strategies that feel aligned and fun, allowing them to consistently hit (or exceed) $40K cash months.
Skyrocket results in areas like selling in the DMs, optimizing their social media for conversions, hosting high-performing free or paid workshops, and monetizing podcasts.
3. Ambitious Beginners Starting Their Journey
Some women in the academy are brand-new to business.
They’re proud to invest in themselves and start their journey with the right strategies, right structure, and right support.
They know that building their business correctly from the start will save them time, money, and unnecessary mistakes.
They’re inspired by Cynthia’s success in building a multi-6-figure business within her first six months—and they know it’s possible for them, too.
What Makes the IFB Sales Academy Unique?
This program isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution—it’s tailored to meet you at your level and empower you to achieve your boldest goals. Whether you’re transitioning your expertise online, scaling an existing business, or building from scratch, you’ll have access to the strategies, systems, and mentorship needed to succeed.
You’ll also be surrounded by high-caliber, like-minded women who are committed to their own growth and eager to cheer you on every step of the way.
No matter where you’re starting, this academy will equip you with the tools, confidence, and clarity to create the business (and life) of your dreams.
Need Additional Help?
If you have any questions, feel free to email info@cynthiastant.com or send a direct message to Cynthia on Facebook. She’s most active there—click here to connect with her on Messenger: https://m.me/CynthiaLStant.
About Cynthia
Cynthia Stant is the Queen of Sales teaching clients how to turn every-day, natural, pressure-free conversations into 10K+ sales, all while working 3 days a week and being a present boy mom. Cynthia focuses on creating trust-building relationships that turn you into the Go To It Girl and build RAW human-to-human connections.
She helps 6 & 7-figure entrepreneurs ditch the pressure to post content like a machine and instead, dominate their online business with authentic, high-converting relationship-building strategies that bring in more cash injections through deep trust with their audience, relatability, and putting the social back into social media and sales.
With a multi-6-figure a year Top 1.5% podcast, Cynthia shows you how to shift the narrative around DM sales, building authentic connections through heartfelt conversations that create business besties (who still buy!), cross promote other entrepreneurs (in the TRUE mentality of women supporting women), leveraging referrals (from clients who adore you), podcast guesting (in a way that creates visibility AND profit), and hosting sold-out events that produce predictable multi-5-figure and 6-figure sales injections. You can see her highlighted in publications such as Disrupt Magazine, CEO Weekly, Authority Magazine, Medium, New York CEO Weekly, and Jacksonville Voyager to name a few.